Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Power of Words

Silence is bliss,
Silence is pain.
Silence is gentle,
Silence is harsh.
Silence is victory,
Silence is defeat.
Silence is submission.
Silence is aggression.

It's really surprising,
to see a single word expressing so many emotions.
Who says silence is peace?
It can be the silence before the storm.

Who says silence is submission?
May be it's just a tactical retreat.

Same word, different feelings, different meanings.
We human beings are blessed to have so many words to express feelings.

Empire vanish, dynasties decay,
It's the words which will be always hold sway.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Is life an illusion?
Then what is death?
End of illusion?
Or beginning of reality.

If death is illusion?
Then what is life?

Why there is a fine line between reality and illusion?
What we see real today,
May feel as illusion tomorrow.

What may be eternal today?
Will cease to exist tomorrow.
Today's joy is tomorrow's pain,
And yesterdays sorrow is today's joy.

All our feelings loses it's meaning without the context in which it's happened.
Today's act of bravery can be an act of cowardice tomorrow.

So everything changes with time.
And time shows us it's illusions.
He is the medium,
And he is the magician.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's Friday

For the whole week
I was waiting for this day
Thanks God It's Friday.
The week was hard fought,
But it was easier than I thought.
It's always the same,
Fighting hard never tires me.
It's sitting idle that scares me.
It's all in mind,
Clear sky or dark night.
What one needs is a will to fight.
Frightened, I sit frozen,
Fighting, I stand tall.
It's not the fall that matters.
What matters is the fight,
To stand for what you believe is right.
For the whole week
I was waiting for this day
Thanks God It's Friday.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Some times, I feel I am full of ideas,
And some times none.
What is so special about ideas,
That few have it all and others none.

For the whole day, I was searching for an idea,
All in vain, where are you my dear idea?

Then suddenly , like a flash of lightening,
It came, from nowhere.

Not sure if it was good or bad,
But it was my child,
Be it sober or wild.

So friends, it's all about ideas,
creating ideas, stealing ideas,
living in the world full of ideas,
and dying in the world because of ideas.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's never about Money

How many times we read people going bankrupt?
Painful though , It's a reality.
They are the same people,
Whom we admire.
They are the same people ,
who dare to go where nobody goes.
For them the mountains calls
and rising is the aim after every fall.
They are notorious,
They are some times cruel,
They are brave,
They venture where the consequences are grave.

Many failed,
Few succeeded .
Many more are ready to go through the grind,
Success and failures they don't mind.

Power currupt,
But the quest for power is more intoxinating.
It's like a game ,
Where there is prize to be won,
And power is it's name.

It's never about money, honey.
It's always about power.
Power to control our destiny.
And as the world is interwoven,
To control our own destiny ,
We need to control others as well.

This is the problem.
Which has got no solution.

That's why I say,
It's never money ,honey.
Power is sweeter than honey.

Thinking of you

I am lost.
I am happy,
I feel the wind,
Cold I don't mind.
Immune to sorrow.
Immune to pain.
Because I am thinking of you,
Every thing feels always the same.

Is the love I was trying to find?
It's difficult to explain,
But easy to see.
Because I am thinking of you,
Every thing feels always the same.

I am lost.
Wandering in woods.
Can't you see it in my eyes.
Even in dispair they are shining bright.
Because I am thinking of you,
Every thing feels always the same.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I was just wondering,
What is happiness?
Is it just the opposite of sadness?
Or just a state of mind.

Also read, that it is the sorrow and despair
which brings the best out of the chosen ones.
Why is it so?
Or is the the thing,
Which makes you to give your all
When thrown against a wall.

Why the creative minds flourish in pain?
Why pain brings best and the worst out of people?
Why despair makes people crazy?
Why is that the situation that makes one happy makes another sad?

Different reactions to different situation by different people.
This is question which is asked regularly,
But never answered .
This is question best left unanswered
To be asked again,
What is Happiness?
Is it just the opposite of sadness?
Or just a state of mind.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


You play with our minds,
And give us fear of all kinds.
You make owners feel like salves,
And salves like owners.
Uncertainty, so very unreliable you are!!

They say nothing is certain,
Things change when you pull the curtain.
Then, why there is good?,
And why there is bad?,
Every thing should be only uncertain.
Uncertainty, so very unreliable you are!!

They say there is opportunity in every upheaval,
Tell this to the people for whom the loss was real.
Fight if you want,
Cry if want,
There is only one truth,
Uncertainty, so very unreliable you are!!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Labyrinth of poetry

I am the one,
Who is searching himself in the labyrinth of poetry.
I am the one.
Who found himself in the labyrinth of poetry.
Do join me in this journey,
If you are following the well trodden paths.
Or feel like a path breaker in your broken heart.
Come to me...
Let's walk together to feel
the joys of loneliness.
Let's play alone to feel
the joy of togetherness.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vagaries of Life

I thought, how difficult it is to live life,
Then I saw people suffering trying to enjoy each and every moment of life.

I thought, how difficult it is to find love,
Then I saw a self less mother loving a new born.

I thought, how difficult it to mix with strangers,
Then I saw few poor kids playing merrily in
the mud.

Frustrated, I thought It's difficult to earn money,
Then I met a man rich because of inheritance.

For my every question there was an answer.
And every answer asked more questions.

Some where my heart said,
It's you to decide ,are you going to ask questions or find answers?

My mind replied,
These are the vagaries of life,
You ask questions and try finding answers.
You find answers,
and then they ask you questions.


Empty spaces

The world is alive,
Universe is a space.
What I am fighting is just a empty space.
Empty space, engulfing every thing.
Empty space, full of promise.
Empty space, full of challenge.

It's open and it's closed,
it's dark and it's bright,
It's happy and it's sad.
What I am fighting is just a empty space.

Asking for a place in my life ,
Asking for a piece of my life.
Empty space is a part of my life.
My life is a part of empty space.
What I am fighting is just a empty space.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tragedy of a free Bird

I was a free bird,
Running and flying around.
Flying in the sky and playing with the clouds.
The world was my stage and sky was my theater.

Still I was a free bird,
Running and flying around.
Things were going well,
I had enough flowers to eat and
honey to drink.
I was enjoying, enjoying over time.

I was a free bird,
Needed no friends.
I will do what I like.
I create fashions and set new trends.
Bad habits started creeping in.
Hugh ego started seeping in.
Still I was free bird.
I will do what I like.

Suddenly One day,
My feathers started falling.
No asking for help,
What ever they say,
My ego came in my way.

But still I was a free bird,
I will do what I like.

Slowly health startirded falling,
Whom should I call,
Friends? there were not many.

Need not tell you what happened next.
Health took its toll,
And put me to rest.

Now I am really a free bird
And I don't have much to do.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We are always wondering why it happens always with us,
Why we are scared of every one and everybody.
Why there are answers for others
and questions for us.
Happiness for others,
And pain for us.
Why it so that in happiness we find sorrow ,
And in sorrow a tragedy.
There is no answer,
Try finding answers and you will come across more questions.
The key seems to be in 'ACCEPTANCE'.
At least that is what I am told.
Accepting the situation, person, happiness and pain.
Not just acceptance, but to accept and act accordingly.
You are in pain, accept it.
Stop dwelling on pain and start finding ways to overcome pain.
You are happy,
Accept it and plan to retain the happiness as much as you can.
Let's make a beginning,
And accept that we need to start accepting.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Every body tells me,
I have got talent..
If it's there, then
why it's so silent?
Still searching....
And will keep on searching,
Till one day will realize,
It's not talent, stupid!
That breaks mountain and bridges rivers,
It's pure guts,
which keeps you out of rut.
Not the absence of fear.
You lie down, but never say never.